Friday, February 20, 2009

My response

In Christian's Blog he talks about how he as an audio project due soon and he just finished a major part in that. Now to him it may seem just as another project but to me that is cool I like and and enjoy stuff like that because of the simple fact that things like that are new to me; and I can enjoy new things.

He also goes and talks about how he is getting his job back which is always good for one thing: MONEY! Who doesnt love money, but I dont know too much about golf except that i am no good lol but I would still go out and try. I also personally think that is one of the best jobs to work outside in the sun and sometimes if he is lucky gets to drive the little go carts around i think they look fun in my opinion.

Last but not least he raises one of the legititmate points I have heard yet and that it is friday. Who doesn't love a good friday and I can think of one great thing about it NO DERECK lmao just playing, but until next time .


  1. haha. defintiely love money, if someone says they don't. their lieing! lol. and driving a golf cart. when i was younger my dad got us a golf cart and he would let us drive it into things like his old truck. sad to say the cart didn't last long. lol

  2. I sometimes hate all the school work they pile on you, but sometimes it does teach you new stuff. They dont really pile work that is just to keep you busy.

  3. who doesnt enjoy a friday not going to school till monday. Damn that monday ruining fridays good time.

  4. It makes the project seem more interesting and you get more out of it when you know and like the project.

  5. Haven!! Honey, to some people money isn't everything!! gosh! lol jk. Just giving you a hard time! Congratulations on getting his job back! Times are hard right now.
